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Alvin Lucier: Crossings
three works for classical instruments and oscillators
Lovely Music
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In Memoriam Jon Higgins
19:06 |
Alvin Lucier
for clarinet in A and slow-sweep pure wave oscillator
Septet For Three Winds, Four Strings, And Pure Wave Ocillator
19:36 |
Alvin Lucier
16:00 |
Alvin Lucier
for small orchestra with slow-sweep pure wave oscillator
Thomas Ridenour, clarinets; Roy Wiseman, double bass; Veronica Salas, viola; Christopher Finckel, cello; William Purvis, French horn; Philip Rucktenwald, trumpet; Andrew Seligson, tuba; Shem Giubbory, violin; Robert Dick, flute; Claudia Coonce, oboe; Claudia Coonce, English horn; Tim Ward, bassoon