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Complete Hit of the Week Recordings, Vol. 3 (1931)
Archeophone Records
1931 — Dec 1931
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Pardon Me Pretty Baby
4:49 |
Ray Klages; Jack Meskill; Vincent Rose
Sam Lanin's Orchestra; (not credited), trumpet; Bunny Berigan, trumpet; (not credited), trombone; (not credited), clarinet; (not credited), saxophone; (not credited), violin; Arthur Schutt, piano; (not credited), guitar; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; Paul Small, voice; Sam Lanin, Conductor
Circa Jun 1931
Just One More Chance
4:26 |
Sam Coslow; Arthur Johnston
Hit of the Week Orchestra; (not credited), trumpet; Bunny Berigan, trumpet; (not credited), trombone; (not credited), clarinet; (not credited), saxophone; (not credited), violin; Arthur Schutt, piano; (not credited), banjo; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; Scrappy Lambert, voice; Bert Hirsch, Conductor
Circa Jun 1931
Banks Of The Wabash
1:30 |
Paul Dresser
Circa 1931
I'm Keepin' Company
4:35 |
Lu C Bender; Vee Lawnhurst; Dave Dreyer
Hit of the Week Orchestra; (not credited), trumpet; Bunny Berigan, trumpet; (not credited), trombone; (not credited), clarinet; (not credited), saxophone; (not credited), violin; Arthur Schutt, piano; (not credited), banjo; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; Scrappy Lambert, voice; Bert Hirsch, Conductor
Circa Jul 1931
Come To Me
4:40 |
Buddy DeSylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson
Scrappy Lambert's Collegians; (not credited), trumpet; Bunny Berigan, trumpet; (not credited), trombone; (not credited), clarinet; (not credited), saxophone; (not credited), violin; Arthur Schutt, piano; (not credited), banjo; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; Scrappy Lambert, voice; Bert Hirsch, Conductor
Circa Jul 1931
The Great American Value for 1932
1:36 |
Milton Ager; Jack Yellen
Circa 1931
I Found A Million Dollar Baby
4:52 |
Harry Warren; Mort Dixon
Don Voorhees Orchestra; Fred "Fuzzy" Farrar, trumpet; Bill Trone, trombone; Charlie Butterfield, trombone; (not credited), trumpet; (not credited), clarinet; (not credited), saxophone; (not credited), violin; (not credited), piano; (not credited), banjo; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; (not credited), voice
Circa Aug 1931
Many Happy Returns Of The Day
4:37 |
Al Dubin; Joe Burke
Don Voorhees Orchestra; Fred "Fuzzy" Farrar, trumpet; Bill Trone, trombone; Charlie Butterfield, trombone; (not credited), trumpet; (not credited), clarinet; (not credited), saxophone; (not credited), violin; (not credited), piano; (not credited), banjo; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; (not credited), voice
Circa Aug 1931
1:28 |
(not credited)
Circa 1931
Little Girl
4:45 |
Madeline Hyde; Francis Henry
Freddie Rich's Radio Orchestra; Tommy Gott, trumpet; Bunny Berigan, trumpet; Charlie Butterfield, trombone; Tommy Dorsey, trombone; (not credited), clarinet; (not credited), saxophone; Cornell Smelser, accordion; Joe Venuti, violin; (not credited), piano; Eddie Lang, guitar; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; (not credited), voice
Circa Aug 1931
It's The Girl
4:55 |
Dave Oppenheim; Abel Baer
Freddie Rich's Radio Orchestra; Tommy Gott, trumpet; Bunny Berigan, trumpet; Charlie Butterfield, trombone; Tommy Dorsey, trombone; (not credited), clarinet; (not credited), saxophone; Cornell Smelser, accordion; Joe Venuti, violin; (not credited), piano; Eddie Lang, guitar; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; (not credited), voice
Circa Aug 1931
Working On The Railroad
1:24 |
Circa 1931
3:23 |
Irving Berlin
Sam Lanin's Orchestra; (not credited), trumpet; Bunny Berigan, trumpet; (not credited), trombone; (not credited), clarinet; (not credited), saxophone; (not credited), violin; Arthur Schutt, piano; (not credited), banjo; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; (not credited), voice; Sam Lanin, Conductor
Circa Aug 1931
College Medley With Princeton Cannon Song And Down The Field
1:24 |
Joseph Frederick Hewitt; Arthur Herbert Osborn; Stanleigh P. Friedman; C. W. O'Connor
Sam Lanin's Orchestra; (not credited), trumpet; Bunny Berigan, trumpet; (not credited), trombone; (not credited), clarinet; (not credited), saxophone; (not credited), violin; Arthur Schutt, piano; (not credited), banjo; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; (not credited), voice; Tony Wons, announcer; Sam Lanin, Conductor
Circa Aug 1931
Love Letters In The Sand
3:30 |
J. Fred Coots; Nick Kenny; Charles Kenny
Sam Lanin's Orchestra; (not credited), trumpet; Bunny Berigan, trumpet; (not credited), trombone; (not credited), clarinet; (not credited), saxophone; (not credited), violin; Arthur Schutt, piano; (not credited), banjo; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; (not credited), voice; Sam Lanin, Conductor
Circa Aug 1931
College Medley With Illinois Loyalty And Michigan Victory
1:14 |
Thacher Guild; Louis Elbel
Sam Lanin's Orchestra; (not credited), trumpet; Bunny Berigan, trumpet; (not credited), trombone; (not credited), clarinet; (not credited), saxophone; (not credited), violin; Arthur Schutt, piano; (not credited), banjo; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; (not credited), voice; Tony Wons, announcer; Sam Lanin, Conductor
Circa Aug 1931
Important News From Westinghouse
1:29 |
Circa 1931
I Apologize
3:47 |
Al Goodheart; Ed G. Nelson
Phil Spitalny's Orchestra; Bob Effros, trumpet; Bunny Berigan, trumpet; (not credited), trombone; (not credited), saxophone; Joe Venuti, violin; (not credited), piano; (not credited), banjo; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; Paul Small, voice; Phil Spitalny, Conductor
Circa Sep 1931
Fight For California
1:03 |
Earl Elleson McCoy
Phil Spitalny's Orchestra; Bob Effros, trumpet; Bunny Berigan, trumpet; (not credited), trombone; (not credited), saxophone; Joe Venuti, violin; (not credited), piano; (not credited), banjo; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; Paul Small, voice; Phil Spitalny, Conductor
Circa Sep 1931
Sweet And Lovely
3:33 |
Gus Arnheim; Harry Tobias
Phil Spitalny's Orchestra; Bob Effros, trumpet; Bunny Berigan, trumpet; (not credited), trombone; (not credited), saxophone; Joe Venuti, violin; (not credited), piano; (not credited), banjo; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; Paul Small, voice; Phil Spitalny, Conductor
Circa Sep 1931
Notre Dame Victory March
1:14 |
Michael J. Shea; John F. Shea
Phil Spitalny's Orchestra; Bob Effros, trumpet; Bunny Berigan, trumpet; (not credited), trombone; (not credited), saxophone; Joe Venuti, violin; (not credited), piano; (not credited), banjo; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; Phil Spitalny, Conductor
Circa Sep 1931
Notre Dame Victory March
1:39 |
Michael J. Shea; John F. Shea
(Ad for Redbook Magazine)
Red Book Magazine Orchestra; Bob Effros, trumpet; Bunny Berigan, trumpet; (not credited), trombone; (not credited), saxophone; Joe Venuti, violin; (not credited), piano; (not credited), banjo; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; Phil Spitalny, Conductor
Circa 1931 — Apr 1905
Ballyhoo Theme Song "Cheer Up"
1:57 |
Mischa Portnoff; Wesley Portnoff; Norman Anthony
Phil Spitalny's Music; Bob Effros, trumpet; Bunny Berigan, trumpet; (not credited), trombone; (not credited), saxophone; (not credited), violin; (not credited), piano; (not credited), banjo; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; Eddie Cantor, voice; Phil Spitalny, Conductor
Circa Sep 1931
Ballyhoo Theme Song "Cheer Up"
2:08 |
Mischa Portnoff; Wesley Portnoff; Norman Anthony
(instrumental version)
Phil Spitalny's Music; Bob Effros, trumpet; Bunny Berigan, trumpet; (not credited), trombone; (not credited), saxophone; (not credited), violin; (not credited), piano; (not credited), banjo; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; Phil Spitalny, Conductor
Circa Sep 1931
I'm Just A Dancing Sweetheart
3:33 |
Peter DeRose
Freddie Rich's Radio Orchestra; Tommy Gott, trumpet; (not credited), trumpet; Charlie Butterfield, trombone; Tommy Dorsey, trombone; (not credited), clarinet; (not credited), saxophone; Cornell Smelser, accordion; Joe Venuti, violin; Walter Gross, piano; Eddie Lang, guitar; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; Ben Alley, voice
Circa Sep 1931
As The Backs Go Tearing By
1:17 |
Carl W. Blaisdell; John Thomas Keady
Freddie Rich's Radio Orchestra; Tommy Gott, trumpet; (not credited), trumpet; Charlie Butterfield, trombone; Tommy Dorsey, trombone; (not credited), clarinet; (not credited), saxophone; Cornell Smelser, accordion; Joe Venuti, violin; Walter Gross, piano; Eddie Lang, guitar; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; Ben Alley, voice
Circa Sep 1931
2:39 |
Richard A. Whiting; Gus Kahn; Harry Akst
The Paull Sisters; Julia Paull, voice; Ruth Paull, voice; Phil Spitalny's Music; Bob Effros, trumpet; (not credited), trombone; (not credited), saxophone; (not credited), violin; (not credited), piano; (not credited), banjo; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; Phil Spitalny, Conductor
Circa Oct 1931
She'll Be Coming Round The Mountain
1:50 |
The Eton Boys; Earl Smith, tenor; Art Gentry, tenor; Jack Day, baritone; Charles Day, bass; Phil Spitalny's Music; Bob Effros, trumpet; (not credited), trombone; (not credited), saxophone; (not credited), violin; (not credited), piano; (not credited), banjo; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; Phil Spitalny, Conductor
Circa Oct 1931
Len-A-Dor Hit of 1932
1:27 |
(Ad for Leonard Refrigerators)
Circa 1931
Now That You're Gone
3:03 |
Gus Kahn; Ted Fiorito
Hit of the Week Orchestra; (not credited), trumpet; (not credited), trombone; (not credited), clarinet; (not credited), saxophone; (not credited), violin; Arthur Schutt, piano; (not credited), Hawaiian guitar; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; Gene Austin, voice
Circa Oct 1931
La Paloma
1:26 |
Sebastián Iradier
Hit of the Week Orchestra; (not credited), trumpet; (not credited), trombone; (not credited), clarinet; (not credited), saxophone; (not credited), violin; Arthur Schutt, piano; (not credited), Hawaiian guitar; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; Gene Austin, voice
Circa Oct 1931
Shine On Harvest Moon
3:08 |
Jack Norworth; Jack Bayes
Oh Susanna
1:30 |
Stephen Foster
A Friend Of Yours Has Asked Guy Lombardo...To Send You This Message
1:27 |
Ray Noble; Jimmy Campbell; Reg Connelly
Circa 1931
Good Night Sweetheart
3:00 |
Ray Noble; Jimmy Campbell; Reg Connelly
The Paull Sisters; Julia Paull, voice; Ruth Paull, voice; Phil Spitalny's Music; Bob Effros, trumpet; (not credited), trombone; (not credited), saxophone; (not credited), violin; (not credited), piano; (not credited), banjo; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; Phil Spitalny, Conductor
Circa Nov 1931
In The Shade Of The Old Apple Tree
1:54 |
Egbert van Alstyne; Harry Williams
The Eton Boys; Earl Smith, tenor; Art Gentry, tenor; Jack Day, baritone; Charles Day, bass; Phil Spitalny's Music; Bob Effros, trumpet; (not credited), trombone; (not credited), saxophone; (not credited), violin; (not credited), piano; (not credited), banjo; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; Phil Spitalny, Conductor
Circa Nov 1931
You Call It Madness
3:53 |
Con Conrad; Gladys Dubois
Freddie Rich's Radio Orchestra; (not credited), trumpet; Charlie Butterfield, trombone; Tommy Dorsey, trombone; (not credited), clarinet; (not credited), saxophone; Cornell Smelser, accordion; Joe Venuti, violin; (not credited), piano; Eddie Lang, guitar; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; Helen Rowland, voice
Circa Nov 1931
Auld Lang Syne
:52 |
Freddie Rich's Radio Orchestra; (not credited), trumpet; Charlie Butterfield, trombone; Tommy Dorsey, trombone; (not credited), clarinet; (not credited), saxophone; Cornell Smelser, accordion; Joe Venuti, violin; (not credited), piano; Eddie Lang, guitar; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums
Circa Nov 1931
To All Parents: An Important Message
1:25 |
Leon Jessel
(Ad for Junior Home Magazine)
Circa 1931
Christmas Suggestion
1:12 |
Leon Jessel
(Ad for Junior Home Magazine)
Call Me Darling
3:17 |
Bert Reisfield; Mart Fryberg; Rolf Marbot; Dorothy Dick
Freddie Rich's Radio Orchestra; (not credited), trumpet; Charlie Butterfield, trombone; Tommy Dorsey, trombone; (not credited), clarinet; (not credited), saxophone; Cornell Smelser, accordion; Joe Venuti, violin; (not credited), piano; Eddie Lang, guitar; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; Paul Small, voice
Nov 1931
Comin' Thro The Rye
1:01 |
Freddie Rich's Radio Orchestra; (not credited), trumpet; Charlie Butterfield, trombone; Tommy Dorsey, trombone; (not credited), clarinet; (not credited), saxophone; Cornell Smelser, accordion; Joe Venuti, violin; (not credited), piano; Eddie Lang, guitar; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums
Circa Nov 1931
Time On My Hands
3:15 |
Harold Adamson; Mack Gordon; Vincent Youmans
Circa Nov 1931
Jingle Bells
1:10 |
James Lord Pierpont
Circa Nov 1931
Jingle Bells
1:16 |
James Lord Pierpont
Circa Nov 1931
Silent Night
1:27 |
Franz X. Gruber
The Paull Sisters; Julia Paull, voice; Ruth Paull, voice; Phil Spitalny's Music; Bob Effros, trumpet; (not credited), trombone; (not credited), saxophone; (not credited), violin; (not credited), piano; (not credited), banjo; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), drums; Phil Spitalny, Conductor
Circa Nov 1931
A Faded Summer Love
4:48 |
Phil Baxter
Rudy Vallee and His Connecticut Yankees; (not credited), trumpet; (not credited), trombone; Joe Miller, saxophone; Manny Lowy, violin; Jules de Vorzon, violin; Cliff Burwell, piano; Charles Peterson, banjo; Harry Patent, bass; Roy Toland, drums; Rudy Vallee, voice
You Try Somebody Else
4:31 |
Buddy DeSylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson
Rudy Vallee and His Connecticut Yankees; (not credited), trumpet; (not credited), trombone; Joe Miller, saxophone; Manny Lowy, violin; Jules de Vorzon, violin; Cliff Burwell, piano; Charles Peterson, banjo; Harry Patent, bass; Roy Toland, drums; Rudy Vallee, voice
Which Do You Prefer?
4:28 |
George Gershwin; Ira Gershwin; Richard Rodgers; Lorenz Hart
(Ad for Rudy Vallee Orchestras)
River, Stay 'Way From My Door
2:19 |
Harry Woods; Mort Dixon
Erno Rapée's Orchedtra; Mannie Klein, trumpet; (not credited), trombone; Jimmy Dorsey, saxophone; (not credited), violin; (not credited), piano; Eddie Lang, guitar; (not credited), bass; (not credited), drums; Helen Rowland, voice; Erno Rapée, Conductor
Circa Dec 1931
Some Of These Days
2:34 |
Shelton Brooks
Erno Rapée's Orchedtra; Mannie Klein, trumpet; (not credited), trombone; Jimmy Dorsey, saxophone; (not credited), violin; (not credited), piano; Eddie Lang, guitar; (not credited), bass; (not credited), drums; Helen Rowland, voice; Erno Rapée, Conductor
Circa Dec 1931