Two Choral Sketches
3:46 |
David Ashley White
Two Choral Sketches: Beauty is in the Garden of Love
2:26 |
David Ashley White
Two Choral Sketches: Oliver Cromwell
1:19 |
David Ashley White
14:43 |
David Ashley White; John Donne, Poet; George Herbert, Poet
Homages: Reflections; O might those sighs
5:57 |
David Ashley White; John Donne, Poet
Homages: Vertue
3:01 |
David Ashley White; George Herbert, Poet
Homages: Remembrances
2:16 |
David Ashley White
Homages: This is my play's last scene
3:27 |
David Ashley White; John Donne, Poet
Five Glimpses
4:15 |
David Ashley White
Five Glimpses: Canticle
:42 |
David Ashley White
Five Glimpses: March
:33 |
David Ashley White
Five Glimpses: Night Song
1:10 |
David Ashley White
Five Glimpses: Burlesque
:33 |
David Ashley White
Five Glimpses: Elegy
1:15 |
David Ashley White
Fear no more the heat o' the sun
3:35 |
David Ashley White; William Shakespeare, Poet
Two Choruses from This Bitterly Beautiful Land
4:05 |
David Ashley White; John Hart, Poet
This Bitterly Beautiful Land: I will arise
2:05 |
David Ashley White; John Hart, Poet
This Bitterly Beautiful Land: Oh, my lovin' brother
2:00 |
David Ashley White
To Hear in Rapture
5:18 |
David Ashley White; William Jay Smith, Poet; David Bergman, Poet
To Hear in Rapture: Journey to the Interior
2:12 |
David Ashley White; William Jay Smith, Poet
To Hear in Rapture: A Dream of Nightingales
3:05 |
David Ashley White; David Bergman, Poet
Aria from Songs & Dances for a Celebration
3:23 |
David Ashley White
Carols for the Nativity
5:15 |
David Ashley White
Carols for the Nativity: Blessed May Thou Be
2:44 |
David Ashley White
Carols for the Nativity: A Song to Sing
2:30 |
David Ashley White
Phantasy and Toccata
10:01 |
David Ashley White
From The Blue Estuaries
6:02 |
David Ashley White; Louise Bogan, Poet
The Blue Estuaries: Evening-Star
2:15 |
David Ashley White; Louise Bogan, Poet
The Blue Estuaries: I Saw Eternity
1:33 |
David Ashley White; Louise Bogan, Poet
The Blue Estuaries: To Be Sung on the Water
2:13 |
David Ashley White; Louise Bogan, Poet
As you set out for Ithaka
7:31 |
David Ashley White; C. P. Cavafy, Poet