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Face A Frowning World: An E.C. Ball Memorial Album
Tompkins Square
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1:01 |
E.C. Ball
He's My God
3:08 |
E.C. Ball
Health and Happiness Family Gospel Band; Dave Bird, guitar; Justin Eslinger, bass; Jordan Forst, electric guitar; Kirk Kiefer, piano; Brian Manley, mandolin; Andy Washburn, drums; Eli Hall, pedal steel; Sandpaper Dolls; Suki Anderson, voice; Rebecca Dennison, voice; Amber Estes, voice
John the Baptist
3:32 |
E.C. Ball
Jenny Jenkins
4:06 |
E.C. Ball
3:59 |
E.C. Ball
Plain Old Country Lad
2:43 |
E.C. Ball
Lord I Want More Religion
3:44 |
E.C. Ball
The Early Bird Always Gets The Worm
3:16 |
E.C. Ball
When I Get Home I'm Gonna Be Satisfied
2:32 |
E.C. Ball
4:38 |
E.C. Ball
One Day I Will
3:20 |
E.C. Ball
Health and Happiness Family Gospel Band; Brian Manley, mandolin; Andy Washburn, drums; Nathan Salsburg, voice; Nathan Salsburg, guitar; Dave Bird, electric guitar; Dave Bird, guitar; Kirk Kiefer, piano; Eli Hall, pedal steel; Scott Moore, fiddle; Paul Oldham, bass; Sandpaper Dolls; Suki Anderson, voice; Rebecca Dennison, voice; Amber Estes, voice
Cabin On The Hill
3:27 |
E.C. Ball
Health and Happiness Family Gospel Band; Brian Manley, mandolin; Andy Washburn, drums; Catherine Irwin, voice; Dave Bird, bass; Justin Eslinger, guitar; Justin Eslinger, dobro; Jordan Forst, electric guitar; Neil Hulswede, pedal steel; Kirk Kiefer, accordion; Nathan Salsburg, guitar
When I Can Read My Titles Clear
4:52 |
E.C. Ball
Beautiful Star of Bethlehem
4:40 |
E.C. Ball
Fathers Have A Home Sweet Home
2:56 |
E.C. Ball
4:07 |
E.C. Ball
Health and Happiness Family Gospel Band; Brian Manley, mandolin; Andy Washburn, drums; Sandpaper Dolls; Suki Anderson, voice; Rebecca Dennison, voice; Amber Estes, voice; Dave Bird, guitar; Justin Eslinger, bass; Jordan Forst, electric guitar; Eli Hall, pedal steel; Nathan Salsburg, guitar