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Gloria Coates
New World Records
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Cette Blanche Agonie
9:18 |
Gloria Coates; Stéphane Mallarmé, Poet
Indian Sounds" (Symphony No. 8)
27:44 |
Gloria Coates
Indian Sounds" (Symphony No. 8): Indian Grounds
11:22 |
Gloria Coates
Indian Sounds" (Symphony No. 8): Indian Mounds
8:51 |
Gloria Coates
Indian Sounds" (Symphony No. 8): Indian Rounds
7:31 |
Gloria Coates
The Force for Peace in War
19:52 |
Gloria Coates; Charlotte Hagedorn, Poet; Phyllis McGinley, Poet; Elfride Birndorfer
The Force for Peace in War I. Recitative: Telegramm von Dachau
2:41 |
Gloria Coates; Charlotte Hagedorn, Poet; Phyllis McGinley, Poet; Elfride Birndorfer
The Force for Peace in War II. Aria: "Junge Witwe"
5:03 |
Gloria Coates; Charlotte Hagedorn, Poet; Phyllis McGinley, Poet; Elfride Birndorfer
The Force for Peace in War III. Recitative: BBC Weather Report
:38 |
Gloria Coates; Charlotte Hagedorn, Poet; Phyllis McGinley, Poet; Elfride Birndorfer
The Force for Peace in War IV. Aria: "The Flying Bombers"
2:31 |
Gloria Coates; Charlotte Hagedorn, Poet; Phyllis McGinley, Poet; Elfride Birndorfer
The Force for Peace in War V. Recitative: Brief der Lehrerin Elfride Birndorfer
1:33 |
Gloria Coates; Charlotte Hagedorn, Poet; Phyllis McGinley, Poet; Elfride Birndorfer
The Force for Peace in War VI. Aria: "Rinne, Regen, Rinne"
1:48 |
Gloria Coates; Charlotte Hagedorn, Poet; Phyllis McGinley, Poet; Elfride Birndorfer
The Force for Peace in War VII. Interlude: "Hiroshima is Bombed"
2:11 |
Gloria Coates; Charlotte Hagedorn, Poet; Phyllis McGinley, Poet; Elfride Birndorfer
The Force for Peace in War VIII. Aria: "All These Dyings"
3:24 |
Gloria Coates; Charlotte Hagedorn, Poet; Phyllis McGinley, Poet; Elfride Birndorfer
Wir Tönen Allein
8:10 |
Paul Celan, Poet
Fragment from Leonardo's Notebooks, "Fonte di Rimini"
11:06 |
Gloria Coates; Leonardo da Vinci