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Holocaust Cantata
Albany Records
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The Holocaust Cantata
43:32 |
Donald McCullough, arr.
The Holocaust Cantata: The Prisoner Rises
4:05 |
Donald McCullough, arr.
The Holocaust Cantata: Singing Saved My Life
1:20 |
Donald McCullough, arr.
The Holocaust Cantata: Song of the Polish Prisoners
3:01 |
Donald McCullough, arr.
The Holocaust Cantata: The Execution of the Twelve
1:55 |
Donald McCullough, arr.
The Holocaust Cantata: In Buchenwald
5:26 |
Donald McCullough, arr.
The Holocaust Cantata: A State of Separation
3:00 |
Donald McCullough, arr.
The Holocaust Cantata: The Train
6:43 |
Donald McCullough, arr.
The Holocaust Cantata: Singing from Birth to Death
1:36 |
Donald McCullough, arr.
The Holocaust Cantata: The Striped Ones
3:27 |
Donald McCullough, arr.
The Holocaust Cantata: There's No Life Like Life at Auschwitz
1:41 |
Donald McCullough, arr.
The Holocaust Cantata: Tempo di Tango
3:04 |
Donald McCullough, arr.
The Holocaust Cantata: Letter to Mom
1:18 |
Donald McCullough, arr.
The Holocaust Cantata: Song of Days Now Gone
6:49 |
Donald McCullough, arr.
Passacaille for Cello and Piano
6:02 |
Szymon Laks
Even When God is Silent
2:35 |
Michael Horvit
A Child's Journey
5:52 |
Michael Horvit
A Child's Journey: An Accidental Meeting
1:37 |
Michael Horvit
A Child's Journey: I Once Had A Friend
1:29 |
Michael Horvit
A Child's Journey: There Are No Stars In The Sky
2:45 |
Michael Horvit
Is Not A Flower a Mystery?
4:04 |
Donald McCullough
We Remember Them
5:25 |
Donald McCullough