D and D went ea st
Being cut again and again causes extreme pain, so do not be afraid when the white pebbles are being counted, do not lie and do not fear the Lord of Death, Since you are a mental body you cannot die even if you are killed and cut up. You are really the natural form of emptiness, so there is no need to fear.
D and D wandered about for months on end.
The Lords of Death are the natural form of emptiness, your own confused projections, and you are emptiness, a mental body of unconscious tendencies. Emptiness cannot harm emptiness, the uncharacterized cannot harm the uncharacterized. External Lords of Death, gods, evil spirits, the Bull-headed demon and so on, have no reality apart from your own confused projections, so recognize this. At this moment recognize everything as the bardo.
D and D returned
(text from The Tibetan Book of the Dead)
Recorded at Piggy Space, Broolyn, NY, July 1994 (PR-DR, Tripping India) and December 1996 - July 1997(3 Out of 4 Ain't Bad)
Premastering: Tom Dimuzio, Gench Studios East, (PR-DR, Tipping India) and Hal Chaney, Audio Arts, (3 Out of 4 Ain't Bad)
Mastering: Hal Chaney, Audio Arts, NYC