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Love of My Soul
University of Miami Chorale
Conducted by
Jo-Michael Scheibe
Love of My Soul
[1] O vos omnes†...............Tomás Luis de Victoria
O all you who pass this way,
behold and see if there is any sorrow
like unto my sorrow.
[2] Ave Maria †............................Steven Edwards
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee,
blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners
now and at the hour of our death.
An Eclectic Missa Brevis
[3] Kyrie (Mass for Four Voices) †......William Byrd
[4] Gloria (from the Messe) #...............Frank Martin
Glory to God in the highest.
And on earth peace to all those of good will.
We glorify Thee.
We give thanks to Thee according to Thy great glory.
Lord God, Heavenly King, God the Father Almighty.
Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son.
Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father.
Thou who takest away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.
Thou who takest away the sins of the world,
receive our prayer.
Thou who sittest at the right hand of the Father,
have mercy on us.
For Thou alone art holy. Thou alone art the Lord.
Thou alone art the Most High, Jesus Christ.
With the Holy Spirit in the glory of God the Father.
[5] Sanctus (from the Messe) †..............Frank Martin
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts,
Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
[6] Agnus Dei (Mass for Four Voices) #........William Byrd
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
have mercy upon us.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
have mercy upon us.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
grant us peace.
Five Hebrew Love Songs
Eric Whitacre
Poems by Hila Plitmann
Accompanied by the Bergonzi Quartet
[7] Temuná
A picture is engraved in my heart;
Moving between light and darkness:
A sort of silence envelops your body,
And your hair falls upon your face just so.
[8] Kalá Kallá
Light bride
She is all mine,
And lightly
She will kiss me!
[9] Lárov
"Mostly," said the roof to the sky;
"The distance between you and I is endlessness;
and only one centimeter was left between us."
[10] Éyze Shéleg!
What snow
Like small dreams
Falling from the sky.
[11] Rakút
He was full of tenderness;
She was very hard.
As much as she tried to stay thus,
Simply, and with no good reason,
He took her into himself,
And set her down
in the softest, softest place.
Selections from Neue Liebeslieder, Op. 65
Johannes Brahms
Poems by Georg Friedrich Daumer
and Wolfgang Goethe
Accompanied by David Rhyne and
Anita Castiglione
[12] Verzicht, o Herz, auf Rettung
Despair of rescue, O heart,
Abandon yourself in the sea of love!
For a thousand boats float
Shattered near this shore!
[13] Finstere Schatten der Nacht
Dark shadows of the night,
Treacherous wave and current!
Who, resting safely
On dry land,
Can understand your plight?
Only he may, who
Ventures upon the stormy
Expanse of the tossing sea,
Miles distant from the shore!
[14] Ihr schwarzen Augen, ihr durft nur winken
Adam Gilbert, baritone
You have only to wink your dark eye
And palaces fall and cities crumble.
How can my heart withstand such
An assault, in its house of cards?
[15] Rosen steckt mir an die Mutter
Nazia Chaudhry, soprano
My mother gave me roses,
Since I am so melancholy.
She is right: the roses fade
Just as I do, pining away.
[16] Vom Geibirge Well' auf Well'
From mountains come wave upon
wave of drenching downpour.
And I would as readily have given
you a hundred thousand kisses.
[17] Weiche Gräser im Revier
Soft grasses in this spot
Lovely, quiet little place!
Oh how peacefully one rests here,
Alone with a sweetheart!
[18] Nagen am Herzen
Kristy Barnes, soprano
I feel a poison gnawing at my heart.
Can a maiden live an entire,
Joyless life
Without giving in to her tender
[19] Alles, alles in den Wind
Angela Pasquini, soprano
All of it is lost to the wind,
What you say to me, you flatterer!
Your efforts are altogether
In vain, you hypocrite!
Pray set your trap
For another victim!
Because you are a wanton thief,
and you make love to them all!
[20] Schwarzer Wald, dein Schatten
Dark woods, your shadows are so
Poor heart, your sorrows are so
What matters is right in front of me.
Sweet union is forever impossible.
[21] Nein, Geliebter, setze dich mir
Sarah Bright, soprano; Lissette Jimenez, alto
No, love don't sit
So near me!
Do not stare so ardently
At my face!
However much your heart may burn,
Control your impulses,
So that the world will not know
How in love we are.
[22] Flammenauge, dunkles Haar
Burning eyes, jet-black hair,
Delightful and audacious boy,
Because of you my poor heart
Is wrenched with sorrow!
Can ice come from the sun's fire
Or the day change itself into night?
Can the passionate man's breast
Breathe with love's desire?
Is the field so full of light
That the flower is left in the dark?
Is the world so full of joy
That the heart is left in pain?
[23]Zum Schluss: Nun, ihr Musen, genug!
Enough now, oh Muses!
You strive in vain to show
How misery and joy
Mingle in the loving breast.
You cannot heal the wounds
That Cupid has inflicted,
But solace comes solely
from you, your blessing.
[24] Las Agachadas (The Shake-Down Song)*.....Aaron Copland
Mandy Spivak, Ashaala Jenkins, Lissette Jimenez
Brian Shaw, Adam Gilbert, Kier Lehman, soloists
It's a shake down; they call it jump,
With a bald-headed cousin I want to step it,
Jump it and dip it down, Peter.
Jump it and dip it down, John.
Jump it and step it and hop it and dip it
you'll jump for the law or you won't
with a cousin-in-law.
Swing away jump and shake down
Pull in four bill collectors,
Four Bible salesmen, four more chums
drinking moonshine, twelve friends and neighbors,
Jump it and dip it down, Peter.
Jump it and dip it down, John.
Jump it and step it and hop it
you'll jump for the law or you won't with
a cousin-in-law by your grandpappy's paw
you can jump if he doesn't with a
cousin-in-law if he doesn't jump away.
[25] Dear Sarah.........................................James Syler
[26] The Gartan Mother's Lullaby*......Neil Ginsberg
Two Rose Songs
[27] The Lovely Rose *.................Paul Ben-Haim
The roses bloom
in the month of May,
But my soul is full of gloom
suffering in love.
The nightingales sing
and are sighing in love,
The passion will kill me,
multiply my pain.
Come faster, oh dove,
Come faster to me,
Come faster, my soul,
Because I shall die.
[28] Go Lovely Rose *....................David Dickau
[29] Amor de mi Alma *.......Z. Randall Stroope
I was born to love only you
My soul has formed you to its measure
I want you as a garment for my soul
Your very image is written on my soul;
Such indescribable intimacy
I hide even from you.
All I have I owe to you;
For you I was born, for you I live,
For you I must die, and for you
I give my last breath.
The University of Miami Chorale
One of nine choral ensembles in the University of Miami School of Music, the University Chorale was founded in 1993 by the current Director of Choral Studies,
Dr. Jo-Michael Scheibe. The University of Miami Chorale hasquickly established itself as one of the nation's leading
collegiate choral ensembles. The voices of the University Chorale are chosen from across campus, drawing both music majors and non-music majors. Noted for its innovative and versatile programming, the University Chorale prides itself in singing literature of the Twentieth Century. The Chorale has
recordings with Albany, ANS, and
`Cane Records.
Special Thanks:
William J. Hipp, Dean - School of Music
Bergonzi Quartet: Glenn Basham, Scott Flavin, Pam McConnell, Ross Harbaugh
Choral Teaching Assistants: Carl P. Ashley,
James Eggleston, Daniel J. Hall, Mandy Mikita, Brandon Mowry, David Rhyne, Phillip A. Swan
All selections recorded by Peter McGrath,
except as noted:
1. Paul Griffith
2. Justin Fischer
3. Anne Mathews
† Cathedral of St. Mary
# Gusman Concert Hall - University of Miami
* Wertheim Concert Hall - Florida International University
Gusman: AKG C-426B, DPA 4006
Wertheim & Cathedral of St. Mary:
Schoeps KFM-6, MK21, MK2S, MK8
Editing & Mastering
Paul Griffith
Dr. Robert Gower, Conductor
Anita Castiglione
David Rhyne
Five Hebrew Songs
Commissioned by:
Abraham Frost Commission Series
CD Design: William Clifford
Shell Art © William Clifford
Photography: Richard Lehman
Total Running Time - 72:16
Jo-Michael Scheibe is a Professor and Program Director of Choral Studies at the University of Miami, where he conducts the University Chorale, coordinates the choral program, and teaches undergraduate and graduate conducting. Ensembles under his leadership have sung at state, regional, and national conferences of the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) and the Music Educators National Conference (MENC) as well as various performances with artists including Luciano Pavarotti, Jose Carreras, Marvis Martin, and Kenny Loggins. Dr. Scheibe is widely recognized for his work with contemporary choral literature, new music commissions and young composers. He is in frequent demand nationally and internationally as a clinician, conductor, and adjudicator.
Dr. Scheibe served as Artisic Director of the Master Chorale of Tampa Bay from 1997 through 2001. In 2000, Dr. Scheibe assumed the position of Conductor of the Florida Philharmonic Chorus, the principal chorus for the Florida Philharmonic, James Judd, Music Director. He is the founder of the Long Beach Master Chorale as well as the founding conductor of the Los Angeles-based semi-professional ensemble, Abend Kammer Chor.
Dr. Scheibe has prepared choruses for James Judd, Michael Tilson Thomas, Jahja Ling, Murray Sidlin, Irwin Hoffman, Paul Salamunovich, Thomas Sanderling, and Alain Lombard. Dr. Scheibe also serves as Director of Music Ministries at the historic Coral Gables Congregational Church. His recordings are available on the Albany, `Cane, and ANS labels. Walton and Colla Voce Press publish Dr. Scheibe's internationally distributed Choral Series focusing on music of the Twentieth and Twenty-first century composers.
Robert Gower, Associate Professor of Theory and Composition at the University of Miami, earned his B.A. and M.M. degrees from the University of South Florida and a D.M.A. from the University of Miami. He is coordinator of the Undergraduate Theory Program, associate conductor and pianist for the University of Miami Chorale and conductor of the Civic Chorale of Greater Miami, and is on the conducting staff of the University of Miami Summer Choral Camp. In addition to his ensemble and teaching duties, Dr. Gower is Director of Music at Coconut Grove United Methodist Church and is well known for his contributions to community and church music in Miami. A number of his compositions and arrangements have been published with Galleria Press and Warner Brothers Publications.
Anita Castiglione, Pianist, holds a Bachelor of Music Degree from the University
of Miami, where she studied on scholarship with Dr. Rosalina Sackstein.
She continued her studies on scholarship with Adele Marcus at The Juilliard School, earning a Master of Science Degree in Piano Performance. She has performed throughout the United States and in Salzburg, Austria, as a soloist, accompanist, and chamber musician. For the past eleven years, Ms. Castiglione has been Choral Director and Music Theory Instructor at Livingston High School in Livingston, New Jersey. Currently, she is completing a Doctor of Musical Arts Degree in Accompanying/Chamber Music at the University of Miami under the tutelage of Dr. Paul Posnak.
the Chorale
jaclyn ainsworth
Greg Amato
Alexander Apostolov
Carl p. Ashley
Johann Avenarius
Adele Bagley
Kristy Barnes
Sarah Bright
Kate Buddenhagen
Melonie Bueno
David Bush
Toni Casamassina
Nazia Chaudhry
Emily Darsie
Katie Defiglio
Travis Dickenson
Kiara Duran
JameS Eggleston
Paul Fisher
Lindsay Garfield
Adam GIlbert
Daniel J. Hall
Ashaala Jenkins
Lissette Jimenez
Danielle Karliner
Anna Kerlek
Alison Kramer
Kier Lehman
Omar Lopez-Cepero
Yvette Martinez
Jessica Matzuk
Mandy mikita
karen miskell
Brandon Mowry
Rebecca Nelson
Masahisa Okada
Angela Pasquini
Debbie Perlicz
Nicholas Perna
amy Phillips
Sha-ron prescott
David Ramcharitar
Kenneth Reid
Lloyd Reshard
David Rhyne
jennifer rolnick
IAn Rose
keri scarfone
Brian Shaw
Michael sholl
Amy Smith
kristopher smith
Kathryn Smithyman
amanda Spivak
Gabrielle Spivak
Timothy Stapleton
eric stinnett
Phillip A. Swan
matthew swann
Charlotte Towne
Cameron Underwood
David van Zyll De Jong
Jessica West
travis whitlock
Grant Williams
Department of Vocal Performance
david alt, chair
mark aliapoulios
ross barentyne-truluck
elisabeth braden
deborah crawford
kimberly deacha
esther jane hardenbergh
diane mauch
donald oglesby
nobleza pilar
jo-michael scheibe
mary scheibe
jana young
russell young
[1] O vos omnes 3:22
Tomás Luis de Victoria
[2] Ave Maria 2:05
Steven Edwards
An Eclectic Missa Brevis
[3] Kyrie (from the Mass for Four Voices) 2:02
William Byrd
[4] Gloria (from the Messe) 4:38
Frank Martin
[5] Sanctus (from the Messe) 4:16
Frank Martin
[6] Agnus Dei (from the Mass for Four Voices) 2:31
William Byrd
Five Hebrew Love Songs
Eric Whitacre
Poems by Hila Plitmann
[7] Temuná 1:40
[8] Kalá kallá 2:49
[9] Lárov 0:51
[10] Éyze Shéleg! 2:12
[11] Rakút 2:04
Selections from Neue Liebeslieder, op. 65
Johannes Brahms
Poems by G.F. Daumer and W. Goethe)
[12] Verzicht, o Herz, auf Rettung 0:39
[13] Finstere Schatten der Nacht 1:54
[14] Ihr schwarzen Augen, ihr durft nur winken 0:48
[15] Rosen steckt mir an die Mutter 0:46
[16] Vom Gebirge Well' auf Well' 1:04
[17] Weiche Gräser im Revier 2:02
[18] Nagen am Herzen 1:29
[19] Alles, alles in den Wind 0:44
[20] Schwarzer Wald, dein Schatten 1:11
[21] Nein, Geliebter, setze dich mir 2:01
[22] Flammenauge, dunkles Haar 1:43
[23] Zum Schluss: Nun, ihr Musen, genug! 2:30
[24] Las Agachadas 3:03
Aaron Copland
[25] Dear Sarah 8:14
James Syler
[26] The Gartan Mother's Lullaby 3:53
Neil Ginsberg
Two Rose Songs
[27] The Lovely Rose 2:37
Paul Ben-Haim
[28] Go Lovely Rose 3:26
David Dickau
[29] Amor de mi Alma 5:22
Z. Randall Stroope |