MacGregor/Read: Music for Percussion
1973 — 1974
Mar 1979 — Jun 1980
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Intrusion of the Hunter
13:08 |
Laurie MacGregor
New Jersey Percussion Ensemble; Raymond Des Roches, Conductor; Tony Cinardo, percussion; Charles Descarfino, percussion; Edmund Fay, percussion; Doreen Holmes, percussion; Ken Hosley, percussion; Louis Oddo, percussion; Joseph Passaro, percussion; Mark Schipper, percussion; Gary Van Dyke, percussion
1973 — 1974
Mar 1979
Los Dioses Aztecas (The Aztec Gods), Op. 107
25:36 |
Gardner Read
Los Dioses Aztecas (The Aztec Gods), Op. 107: I. Xiuhtecuhtli: Dios del Fuego (God of Fire) - With savage energy
2:15 |
Gardner Read
Los Dioses Aztecas (The Aztec Gods), Op. 107: II. Mictecacihuatl: Diosa de los Muertos (Goddess of the Dead) – Slowly and solemnly
3:50 |
Gardner Read
Los Dioses Aztecas (The Aztec Gods), Op. 107: III. Tialoc: Dios de la Lluvia (God of Rain) – Moderately fast, with steadiness
2:41 |
Gardner Read
Los Dioses Aztecas (The Aztec Gods), Op. 107: IV. Tezcatlipoca: Dios de la Noche (God of Night) – Slowly and mysteriously
3:50 |
Gardner Read
Los Dioses Aztecas (The Aztec Gods), Op. 107: V. Xochipilli: Dios de la Alegria y la Danza (God of Pleasure and Dance) – Gracefully and lightly
3:48 |
Gardner Read
Los Dioses Aztecas (The Aztec Gods), Op. 107: VI. Coyolxauhqui: Diosa de la Luna (Goddess of the Moon) – Quietly, with serenity
4:31 |
Gardner Read
Los Dioses Aztecas (The Aztec Gods), Op. 107: VII. Huitzilopochtli: Dios de la Guerra (God of War) – Broadly; Fast and fiercely
4:37 |
Gardner Read