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Music from the ONCE Festival 1961-1966
New World Records
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7:44 |
Robert Ashley
Groups for Piano
1:03 |
Donald Scavarda
String Trio
10:23 |
George Cacioppo
Epigram and Evolution
8:51 |
Roger Reynolds
Sinfonia for 12 Instruments and Magnetic Tape
12:03 |
Gordon Mumma
ONCE Chamber Orchestra; Wayne Dunlap, Conductor; David Bourns, percussion; Daniel Levine, double bass; Jerry Bilik, trombone; Gustave Rabson, guitar; Rosemarie Waldrop, flute; Don Robbins, bassoon; Stanley Mogelnicki, trumpet; Bruce Wise, piano; Edith Perrow, violin; Alice Hays, viola; Arthur Follows, violoncello
In the Autumn Mountains
7:01 |
Donald Scavarda
ONCE Chamber Orchestra; Wayne Dunlap, Conductor; Jerry Bilik, trombone; Eugene Hansen, percussion; Stanley Mogelnicki, trumpet; Paul Miller, percussion; David Bourns, percussion; Gustave Rabson, guitar; John Morgan, clarinet; Arthur Follows, violoncello; Rosemarie Waldrop, flute; Shirley Zaft, soprano; James Berg, baritone; Bruce Wise, piano; Edith Perrow, violin
Two Pieces for Piano and Chamber Group
6:23 |
Bruce Wise
ONCE Chamber Orchestra; Wayne Dunlap, Conductor; Paul Miller, percussion; David Bourns, percussion; Eugene Hansen, percussion; Stanley Mogelnicki, trumpet; Jerry Bilik, trombone; Daniel Levine, double bass; Bruce Wise, piano; John Morgan, clarinet; Blanche Kangas, bass clarinet; Don Robbins, bassoon
The Fourth of July
18:37 |
Robert Ashley
Matrix for Clarinetist
9:22 |
Donald Scavarda
8:02 |
Roger Reynolds
Robert Pozar, percussion; ONCE Chamber Ensemble; David Sutherland, Conductor; Stanley Towers, tuba; David Maves, percussion; Daniel Levine, double bass; Donald Green, trombone; Ron Bell, trumpet; Bob James, piano; Karen Hill, flute; Francea Whitcomb, flute; Barney Pearson, trumpet
Meanwhile, A Twopiece
7:22 |
Gordon Mumma
Sounds for Eleven
11:05 |
Donald Scavarda
From Gestures II
13:21 |
Gordon Mumma
Bestiary I: Eingang
7:23 |
George Cacioppo
Details (2b)
7:15 |
Robert Ashley
8:31 |
Robert Sheff
Large Size Mograph
8:17 |
Gordon Mumma
12:42 |
Robert Ashley
A Quarter of Fourpiece
5:04 |
Gordon Mumma
Two Worlds
6:10 |
George Cacioppo
9:45 |
Roger Reynolds
George Cacioppo
Pianopieces: Pianopiece I
3:12 |
George Cacioppo
Pianopieces: Cassiopeia
2:57 |
George Cacioppo
Pianopieces: Pianopiece II
2:16 |
George Cacioppo
A Portrait of Vanzetti
20:34 |
Roger Reynolds
Richard Lowenthal, trumpet; John Moses, clarinet; Karen Hill, flute; Jack O'Brien; Anne Speer, flute; Richard Reynolds, French horn; Kenneth Miesen, trombone; Robert Pozar, percussion; David Maves, percussion; Donald Scavarda, Conductor; Kay Maves, French horn
3:19 |
Gordon Mumma
Music for Clocks
10:30 |
Philip Krumm
19:04 |
Robert Sheff
6:04 |
George Crevoshay
Landscape Journey
9:39 |
Donald Scavarda
Advance of the Fungi
15:59 |
George Cacioppo
Russell Peck, trombone; William Albright, clarinet; Gordon Mumma, French horn; Richard Reynolds, French horn; John Morgan, clarinet; Donald Scavards, Conductor; Tom Asboth, clarinet; James Ferguson, trombone; Karl Wirt, trombone; Dick Tilkin, percussion
in memoriam
Crazy Horse (symphony)
15:12 |
Robert Ashley
Music for Three
29:37 |
Bruce Wise
Time on Time in Miracles
9:52 |
George Cacioppo
10:18 |
David Behrman
Applebox Double
17:13 |
Pauline Oliveros
9:52 |
Robert Ashley