Cover for Neil B. Rolnick: Requiem Songs/Screen Scenes
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Neil B. Rolnick: Requiem Songs/Screen Scenes

Albany Records
Neil Rolnick; Ed Sanders, Lyricist

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play Requiem Songs - for the victims of nationalism 25:27 Neil Rolnick; Ed Sanders, Lyricist    
play Requiem Songs - for the victims of nationalism: Invocation 2:42 Neil Rolnick; Ed Sanders, Lyricist    
play Requiem Songs - for the victims of nationalism: Bosnia's Mountains 1:56 Neil Rolnick; Ed Sanders, Lyricist    
play Requiem Songs - for the victims of nationalism: The Wedding Party 2:26 Neil Rolnick; Ed Sanders, Lyricist    
play Requiem Songs - for the victims of nationalism: Deep Is The Sea/The Bee 5:02 Neil Rolnick; Ed Sanders, Lyricist    
play Requiem Songs - for the victims of nationalism: So Still 2:44 Neil Rolnick; Ed Sanders, Lyricist    
play Requiem Songs - for the victims of nationalism: Ethnic Cleansing 2:46 Neil Rolnick; Ed Sanders, Lyricist    
play Requiem Songs - for the victims of nationalism: Home Is A Ghost 2:37 Neil Rolnick; Ed Sanders, Lyricist    
play Requiem Songs - for the victims of nationalism: The Cellist 1:59 Neil Rolnick; Ed Sanders, Lyricist    
play Requiem Songs - for the victims of nationalism: Final Prayer 3:11 Neil Rolnick; Ed Sanders, Lyricist    
play Screen Scenes 36:20 Neil Rolnick    
play Screen Scenes: PlayList 1 9:10 Neil Rolnick    
play Screen Scenes: PlayList 2 8:44 Neil Rolnick    
play Screen Scenes: PlayList 3 7:01 Neil Rolnick    
play Screen Scenes: PlayList 4 11:25 Neil Rolnick