Semper Fidelis
1:48 |
John Philip Sousa
Hot Time in the Old Town
2:23 |
Joseph Hayden; Theodore Metz
Circa 1897
Tenting on the Old Camp Ground
2:04 |
Walter Kittredge
Circa 1898
Silver Threads Among the Gold
2:35 |
Eben E. Rexford; Hart Pease Danks
Circa 1898
Believe Me if All Those Endearing Young Charms
2:42 |
Thomas Moore
Circa 1898
On the Banks of the Wabash
1:47 |
Paul Dresser
She Was Happy Till She Met You
1:50 |
Charles Graham; Monroe H. Rosenfeld
Then You'll Remember Me
2:31 |
Michael William Balfe
Circa 1894
Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me a Bow Wow
2:51 |
Joseph Tabrar
Circa 1892
Zizzy Ze Zum Zum
2:40 |
Karl Kennett; Lyn Udal
Circa 1898
Casey at the Telephone
3:27 |
Russell Hunting
Circa 1896
Dancing in the Dark
2:24 |
Circa 1900
Just Tell Them that You Saw Me
2:25 |
Paul Dresser
Circa 1896
Heart Bowed Down
2:12 |
Alfred Bunn; Michael William Balfe
Circa 1899
Jolly Coppersmith
2:23 |
Carl Peter
Circa 1898
Kiss Me, Honey, Do
1:58 |
Edgar Smith; John Stromberg
Hello, Ma Baby
2:34 |
Ida Emerson; Joseph Howard
Circa 1899
I'se Gwine Back to Dixie
2:27 |
Charles T. White
Circa 1898
Picture No Artist Can Paint
1:57 |
J. Fred Helf
Whistling Rufus
2:37 |
Kerry Mills
Circa 1899
Liberty Bell March
2:19 |
John Philip Sousa
Circa 1896
She's More to Be Pitied than Censured
2:23 |
William B. Gray
Circa 1898
Grand March from Tannhaüser
2:23 |
Richard Wagner
Circa 1896
My Gal Is a Highborn Lady
2:53 |
Barney Fagan
Circa 1897
Put Me Off at Buffalo
2:48 |
Harry Dillon; John Dillon
Circa 1898
Uncle Josh Weathersby's Arrival in New York City
3:16 |
Cal Stewart
Circa 1898
She May Have Seen Better Days
1:42 |
James Thornton
Anvil Chorus
2:12 |
Giuseppe Verdi
Circa 1894
Stars and Stripes Forever
2:32 |
John Philip Sousa
Circa 1897
Say "Au Revoir" but Not "Good-bye"
1:42 |
Harry Kennedy