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Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud
Albany Records
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Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud
1:33:24 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Robin Korsin; Chad Smith, "Paul Verlaine"; Philip Mark Horst, voice, "Older Rimbaud"; Elizabeth Saunders, voice, "Mme. Rimbaud"; Mary Elizabeth Kures, voice, "The Voice"; College-Conservatory of Music Philarmonia; Gerhard Samuel, Conductor; Rendall Gremillion, voice, "Young Rimbaud"; Dieter Cui; Alethea Kolgore; James David Lynn; Susana Diaz; Mary Elizabeth Kures; Chad Smith; Sara Lindell; Elizabeth Saunders; Philip Mark Horst; Rendall Gremillion; Gerhard Samuel, Conductor; College-Conservatory of Music Philarmonia
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: Act I - "Mlle. Rimbaud, the arrangements are made"
3:00 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: Act I - "Jadis, si je me souviens bien"
3:17 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: Act I - "And for Latin Verse"
1:34 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: Act I - "I'm not going forever, Arthur"
1:34 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: Act I - "La Bouche d'Ombre"
3:22 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: Act I - "A noir, E blanc, I rouge": Sonnet of the Vowels
3:56 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: Act I - "A poet?"
3:05 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: Act I - "A summer dawn, and all the thirsty roses drink"
4:09 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: A Life of Rimbaud: Act I - "I am above sin. I have never been a Christian."
3:53 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: Act I - "There was some movement in your brother's arm."
5:13 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: A Life of Rimbaud: Act I - "Je suis maître en phantasmagories"
3:29 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: Act I - "Arrived yesterday from Africa"
2:29 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: Act I - "What life? There is no real life here!"
4:35 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: Act I - "Des châteaux bâtis en os"
7:52 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: Act I - "Paul..." - "Ah! Princess Mouse come to claim her prince!"
4:40 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Rendall Gremillion, voice, "Young Rimbaud"; Gerhard Samuel, Conductor; College-Conservatory of Music Philarmonia; Susana Diaz, voice, "Mathilde"; Elizabeth Saunders, voice, "Mme. Rimbaud"; Philip Mark Horst, voice, "Older Rimbaud"; Chad Smith, "Paul Verlaine"
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: Act II - "Pars les soirs bleus d'été"
2:13 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: A Life of Rimbaud: Act II - "O lâches, la voilà"
2:22 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: Act II - "Mineo, meshe, t'chlema"
2:21 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: Act II - "Happy are those who have no children"
3:50 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Andre McRae, voice, "Djami"; Gerhard Samuel, Conductor; College-Conservatory of Music Philarmonia; Mary Elizabeth Kures, voice, "The Voice"; Elizabeth Saunders, voice, "Mme. Rimbaud"; Philip Mark Horst, voice, "Older Rimbaud"; Jeffrey Traganza, voice, "Gavoty"
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: Act II - "It began with disgust"
3:29 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: Act II - "When we first met, seventeen"
3:16 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Rendall Gremillion, voice, "Young Rimbaud"; Gerhard Samuel, Conductor; College-Conservatory of Music Philarmonia; Mary Elizabeth Kures, voice, "The Voice"; Elizabeth Saunders, voice, "Mme. Rimbaud"; Philip Mark Horst, voice, "Older Rimbaud"; Andre McRae, voice, "Djami"
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: Act II - "La musique savante"
4:27 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: Act II - "Arthur!" - "Do not come near me!"
3:05 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: Act II - "Six francs a day"
2:52 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: Act II - "Oh, the clear transparent sound of new sorrow"
2:44 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: Act II - "Autumn already!"
2:01 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: Act II - "J'ai vu le soleil bas"
1:21 |
Harold Blumenfeld
Seasons In Hell: A Life of Rimbaud: Act II - "Spiritual battles are as brutal as the battles of men"
3:00 |
Harold Blumenfeld