Cover for Thomas Sleeper: Aceldama
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Thomas Sleeper: Aceldama

Albany Records

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play Aceldama 1:04:38 Thomas M. Sleeper    
play Aceldama - part I: "And Adam knew his wife Eve…" (Narrator, Eve, God, Chorus) 4:01 Thomas M. Sleeper    
play Aceldama - part I: "Why can he not accept poor Cain's offering?" (Eve, Adam) 4:10 Thomas M. Sleeper    
play Aceldama - part I: "So Cain went into the fields…" (Narrator, Chorus) 2:16 Thomas M. Sleeper    
play Aceldama - part I: "It is so dark…" (Cain) 3:11 Thomas M. Sleeper    
play Aceldama - part I: Postlude - Cain's despair and vision 3:55 Thomas M. Sleeper    
play Aceldama - part I: "And a vision came unto Cain…" (Narrator, Adam, Chorus) 3:26 Thomas M. Sleeper    
play Aceldama - part II: "Should we really leave this chalice?" (Adam, Eve) 4:05 Thomas M. Sleeper    
play Aceldama - part II: "Come over here, look at that moon…" (Adam, Eve) 4:05 Thomas M. Sleeper    
play Aceldama - part II: "That damned music…" (Nazi Guard-Cain, Chorus) 3:00 Thomas M. Sleeper    
play Aceldama - part II: "Lachrymosa" (Eve, Chorus) 5:19 Thomas M. Sleeper    
play Aceldama - part II: Postlude - The Ecstasy of Cain 2:13 Thomas M. Sleeper    
play Aceldama - part III: "It will not heal…" (Amfortas-Cain, Adam) 3:02 Thomas M. Sleeper    
play Aceldama - part III: "You leave me in this unnatural winter…" (Adam) 2:29 Thomas M. Sleeper    
play Aceldama - part III: "We began as a seduction…" (Adam) 5:48 Thomas M. Sleeper    
play Aceldama - part III: "My wound does not heal…" (Adam) :56 Thomas M. Sleeper    
play Aceldama - part III: "There would be no shadow…" (Eve, Narrator, God, Chorus, Adam) 4:59 Thomas M. Sleeper    
play Aceldama - part III: "Night wraps herself about me…" (Adam) 2:02 Thomas M. Sleeper    
play Aceldama - part III: Postlude - The death of Adam 5:33 Thomas M. Sleeper