Cover for Three Song Cycles: Music by Frank Lewin
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Three Song Cycles: Music by Frank Lewin

Albany Records
Frank Lewin

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play Variations of Greek Themes 28:06 Frank Lewin    
play Variations of Greek Themes: No. 1. A Happy Man (Carphyllides) 2:47 Frank Lewin    
play Variations of Greek Themes: No. 2. A Mighty Runner (Nicarchus) 1:25 Frank Lewin    
play Variations of Greek Themes: No. 3. Eutychides (Lucilius) 3:34 Frank Lewin    
play Variations of Greek Themes: No. 4. The Old Story (Marcus Argentarius) 2:54 Frank Lewin    
play Variations of Greek Themes: No. 5. Dance 3:17 Frank Lewin    
play Variations of Greek Themes: No. 6. To-Morrow (Macedonius) 1:24 Frank Lewin    
play Variations of Greek Themes: No. 7. The Dust of Timas (Sappho) 3:04 Frank Lewin    
play Variations of Greek Themes: No. 8. Doricha (Posidippus) 5:47 Frank Lewin    
play Variations of Greek Themes: An Inscription by the Sea (Glaucus) 3:51 Frank Lewin    
play Innocence and Experience 26:57 Frank Lewin    
Susan Davenny Wyner, soprano; Yehudi Wyner, Conductor

play Innocence and Experience: No. 1. To Morning 3:11 Frank Lewin    
Susan Davenny Wyner, soprano; Yehudi Wyner, Conductor

play Innocence and Experience: No. 2. How Sweet I Roam'd 2:19 Frank Lewin    
Susan Davenny Wyner, soprano; Yehudi Wyner, Conductor

play Innocence and Experience: No. 3. Memory, Hither Come 1:46 Frank Lewin    
Susan Davenny Wyner, soprano; Yehudi Wyner, Conductor

play Innocence and Experience: No. 4. Interlude 3:29 Frank Lewin    
Susan Davenny Wyner, soprano; Yehudi Wyner, Conductor

play Innocence and Experience: No. 5. Day 2:04 Frank Lewin    
Susan Davenny Wyner, soprano; Yehudi Wyner, Conductor

play Innocence and Experience: No. 6. I Saw a Chapel All of Gold 4:47 Frank Lewin    
Susan Davenny Wyner, soprano; Yehudi Wyner, Conductor

play Innocence and Experience: No. 7. A Divine Image 1:02 Frank Lewin    
Susan Davenny Wyner, soprano; Yehudi Wyner, Conductor

play Innocence and Experience: No. 8. Interlude 1:47 Frank Lewin    
Susan Davenny Wyner, soprano; Yehudi Wyner, Conductor

play Innocence and Experience: No. 9. Night 6:27 Frank Lewin    
Susan Davenny Wyner, soprano; Yehudi Wyner, Conductor

play A Music Nashery 6:26 Frank Lewin    

play A Music Nashery: No. 1. The Reward :55 Frank Lewin    

play A Music Nashery: No. 2. The Carcajou and The Kincajou :49 Frank Lewin    

play A Music Nashery: No. 3. The Shrimp :33 Frank Lewin    

play A Music Nashery: Spoken introduction to No. 4. :26 Frank Lewin    

play A Music Nashery: No. 4. Paradise for Sale 2:42 Frank Lewin    

play A Music Nashery: No. 5. The Rhapsode :58 Frank Lewin