The Lord's Prayer
:39 |
Circa 1890
In the Sweet By and By
:49 |
Joseph P. Webster; Anon.; Sanford F. Bennett
Circa 1890
Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep
2:20 |
Joseph P. Knight
Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep
2:17 |
Joseph P. Knight; Emma Hart Willard
Circa 1892 — 1894
Nearer, My God, to Thee
2:33 |
Lowell Mason
Circa 1893
Messiah: Hallelujah Chorus
3:06 |
George Frederic Handel
Circa 1894 — 1895
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
2:45 |
Circa 1894
Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep
1:58 |
Joseph P. Knight; Emma Hart Willard
Circa 1894 — 1895
Nearer, My God, to Thee
2:38 |
Lowell Mason; Sarah F. F. Adams
Circa 1895
Psalm 100/Old Hundred
1:36 |
Louis Bourgeois; William Kethe
Onward, Christian Soldiers
1:48 |
Arthur Sullivan; Sabine Baring-Gould
The Home Over There
2:16 |
Tullius C. O'Kane; DeWitt C. Huntington
What Shall the Harvest Be?
2:35 |
Philip P. Bliss; Emily S. Oakley
Circa 1896
2:45 |
Paul Rodney; Henry Vaughan
Circa 1897
Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior
1:52 |
William H. Doane; Frances J. Crosby
The 23rd Psalm and The Lord's Prayer
2:16 |
What a Friend We have in Jesus
2:38 |
Charles C. Converse; Joseph M. Scriven
Circa 1897
Yield Not to Temptation
2:02 |
Horatio R. Palmer
There is a Fountain
2:21 |
Traditional; William Cowper
Circa 1898
Almost Persuaded
2:36 |
Philip P. Bliss
Circa 1898
Marching to Zion
2:39 |
Robert Lowry; Isaac Watts
Circa 1898
Blest Be the Tie
2:47 |
Hans G. Nägeli; Lowell Mason, arr.; John Fawcett
Circa 1898
Safe in the Arms of Jesus
2:07 |
William H. Doane
Circa 1897
Just as I Am
2:33 |
William B. Bradbury; Charles Elliott
Circa 1898
Rock of Ages
2:47 |
Thomas Hastings; Augustus M. Toplady
Circa 1898
The Ninety and Nine
2:54 |
Ira D. Sankey; Elizabeth C. D. Clephane
Circa 1898 — 1899
Hold the Fort
2:15 |
Philip P. Bliss
Throw Out the Life Line
2:22 |
Edwin S. Ufford; George C. Stebbins, arr.
Almost Persuaded
2:35 |
Philip P. Bliss
Circa 1898 — 1899
The Holy City
2:02 |
Stephen Adams [pseudonym of Michael Maybrick]; Frederick E. Weatherly
Circa 1898 — 1899
Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep
2:22 |
Joseph P. Knight; Emma Hart Willard
Circa 1900
The Mistakes of My Life
2:25 |
Robert Lowry; Urania Locke Bailey
Circa 1900
I Am Praying for You
2:31 |
Ira D. Sankey; Samuel O'Malley G. Cluff
Circa 1900
Safe in the Arms of Jesus
2:20 |
William H. Doane; Frances J. Crosby
Circa 1900
Only Remembered
2:32 |
John R. Sweney; Horatio Bonar
Rock of Ages
2:47 |
Thomas Hastings
Circa 1895
The 91st Psalm
2:00 |
The Ninety and Nine
2:50 |
Ira D. Sankey; Elizabeth C. D. Clephane
Circa 1899
Jesus of Nazareth Passes By
2:47 |
Theodore E. Perkins; Emma F. R. Campbell
Circa 1899
A Shelter in the Time of Storm
2:33 |
Ira D. Sankey; Vernon J. Charlesworth
Circa 1899
Saved by Grace
2:29 |
George C. Stebbins; Frances J. Crosby
Circa 1899
Shall You, Shall I?
2:27 |
James McGranahan
Circa 1899
My Ain Countrie
2:52 |
Ione T. Hanna; Mary Lee Demarest
Circa 1899
There'll Be No Dark Valley
2:23 |
Ira D. Sankey; William O. Cushing
Circa 1899
Jesus, Lover of My Soul
2:27 |
Joseph P. Holbrook; Charles Wesley
Circa 1899
I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go
2:56 |
Carrie E. P. Rounsefell; Mary H. Brown; Charles E. Prior
Circa 1900
Hold the Fort
2:53 |
Philip P. Bliss
Circa 1899
The Mistakes of My Life
2:27 |
Robert Lowry; Urania Locke Bailey
Circa 1899
Wonderful Words of Life
2:34 |
Philip P. Bliss
Circa 1899
True-Hearted, Whole-Hearted
2:24 |
George C. Stebbins; Frances R. Havergal
Circa 1899
God Be With You Till We Meet Again
2:31 |
William G. Tomer; Jeremiah E. Rankin
Circa 1899
My Jesus, As Thou Wilt
2:44 |
Carl Maria von Weber; Hubert P. Main, arr.; Benjamin Schmolck
Circa 1899
God Is Love
2:18 |
Ira D. Sankey; Rian A. Dykes
Circa 1900
Beulah Land
1:27 |
John R. Sweney; Edgar P. Stites
Nearer, My God, to Thee
2:00 |
Lowell Mason
Circa 1895 — 1896
The Sermon on the Mount
1:10 |
Beautiful City of God
:49 |
James McGranahan; Maud Fraser
Circa 1900
Nearer, My God, to Thee
2:55 |
Lowell Mason; Sarah F. F. Adams
Circa 1899
Lead, Kindly Light
2:57 |
John B. Dykes; John Henry Newman
Circa 1899
Blessed Assurance
2:48 |
Phoebe P. Knapp; Frances J. Crosby
Circa 1899
Throw Out the Life Line
2:23 |
Edwin S. Ufford; George C. Stebbins, arr.
Circa 1899
Though Your Sins Be As Scarlet
2:23 |
William H. Doane; Frances J. Crosby
Circa 1899
Where Is My Boy Tonight?
2:21 |
Robert Lowry
Circa 1899
Safe in the Arms of Jesus
2:43 |
William H. Doane; Frances J. Crosby
Circa 1899
Onward, Christian Soldiers
2:34 |
Arthur Sullivan; Sabine Baring-Gould
Circa 1899
The Homeland
2:23 |
George C. Stebbins; Hugh R. Haweis
Circa 1899
Threescore Years and Ten
2:12 |
Frances J. Crosby
Jesus, Savior Pilot Me
2:15 |
John E. Gould; Edward Hoper
Just Tell My Mother
2:18 |
Paul Dresser; Joseph E. Taylor
The Wayside Cross
2:06 |
Horatio R. Palmer; Cyril L. St. John
Service Cues
:43 |
Henry A. Heath
Creation: The Marv'lous Work Beholds Amaz'd
1:22 |
Franz Joseph Haydn; Gottfried van Swieten
2:10 |
Winfield S. Weeden; Judson W. Van DeVenter
Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep
:22 |
Joseph P. Knight
The 23rd Psalm and The Good Shepherd
2:13 |
Almost Persuaded
1:58 |
Philip P. Bliss
Trusting Jesus
:28 |
Ira D. Sankey; Edgar P. Stites
I Surrender All
2:34 |
Winfield S. Weeden; Judson W. Van DeVenter
Saved by Grace
2:17 |
George C. Stebbins; Frances J. Crosby
The Shepherd True
1:58 |
George C. Stebbins; Frederick W. Faber
Why Do You Wait
1:46 |
George F. Root
Massa's In De Cold, Cold Ground
:27 |
Stephen Foster
The Church Across the Way/Showers of Blessing
1:24 |
William B. Gray; James McGranahan
Lead Me Savior and It Is Well with My Soul
2:44 |
Frank M. Davis; Philip P. Bliss; Horatio G. Spafford
Circa 1898 — 1900
In That City
2:54 |
Charles J. Butler
Circa 1898 — 1900
Looking That Way
2:56 |
Judson W. Van DeVenter
Circa 1898 — 1900
Hebrew Morning Hymn
2:01 |
Etienne Méhul; Alexandre V. P. Duval
Circa 1898 — 1900
Will a Man Rob God
2:46 |
Frederick A. Graves
Circa 1900
The Power of God
2:34 |
Frederick A. Graves
Circa 1900
Resting In His Love
1:26 |
Ann Maria Sawyer, Poet
Testimony and A Little Talk with Jesus Makes It Right
3:11 |
Charles W. Bennett; Charles H. Rust; Anon.
Birthday Celebration/Rock of Ages and Old 100th
3:10 |
Thomas Hastings; Augustus M. Toplady; Louis Bourgeois; William Kethe
The Scholars of Bethany / The Pillar of Cloud / Collect
3:02 |
John Wanamaker; John Henry Newman
Circa 1898
Nearer, My God, to Thee
1:45 |
Lowell Mason; Sarah F. F. Adams
Circa 1895
Down at the Cross
2:28 |
John H. Stockton; Elizabeth A. Hoffman
Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior and The Lord's Prayer
2:18 |
William H. Doane; Frances J. Crosby
Circa 1898 — 1900
What a Friend We have in Jesus
2:20 |
Charles C. Converse; Joseph M. Scriven
Circa 1898 — 1900
Thanksgiving Greetings and Nearer, My God / Psalm 103
2:00 |
Lowell Mason; Sarah F. F. Adams
The Holy City
2:57 |
Stephen Adams [pseudonym of Michael Maybrick]; Frederick E. Weatherly
Circa 1899
De Massa ob de Sheepfol' / God is Now Here
2:15 |
Sarah P. M. Greene; Harry Heath
Circa 1896 — 1900
Prohibition Speech
2:16 |
Harry Heath
Circa 1896 — 1900
Barnyard (Quiet in the Country) and The Holy City
2:32 |
Harry Heath; Stephen Adams [pseudonym of Michael Maybrick]; Frederick E. Weatherly
Circa 1896 — 1900