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Works by Michelle Ekizian & Louis Karchin
New World Records
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Octoéchos for Double String Quartet and Soprano
27:10 |
Michelle Ekizian; Theodore Roethke, Poet
Bonnie Hartman, cello; Robert Chausaw, violin; Linda Moss, viola; Dennis Cleveland, violin; Harvey Sollberger, Conductor; Jeanne LeBlanc, cello; Andrea Cawelti, soprano; Dennis Lee, violin; Benjamin Hudson, violin; Lois Martin, viola
Octoéchos for Double String Quartet and Soprano: I. Inquieto
16:23 |
Michelle Ekizian
Octoéchos for Double String Quartet and Soprano: II. Epilogue - Tranquillo
10:47 |
Michelle Ekizian; Theodore Roethke, Poet
Lois Martin, viola; Dennis Cleveland, violin; Linda Moss, viola; Robert Chausaw, violin; Bonnie Hartman, cello; Andrea Cawelti, soprano; Harvey Sollberger, Conductor; Jeanne LeBlanc, cello; Benjamin Hudson, violin; Dennis Lee, violin
Songs of John Keats for Soprano and Six Instruments
10:12 |
Louis Karchin; John Keats, Poet
Capriccio for Violin and Seven Instruments
10:54 |
Louis Karchin