Track Results

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albums (4) works (0) tracks (11)
title composer artists/ensemble play
Blest Be the Tie Hans G. Nägeli J. J. Fisher, bass play
Joy to the World Lowell Mason Gordon Green, synthesizer play
Joy to the World Lowell Mason Joel Brown, guitar; Andrew Brown, cello; Kristin Bacchiocchi-Stewart, flute play
Joy to the World Lowell Mason Counterpoint; Robert De Cormier, Conductor; Vermont Symphony Orchestra Brass Quintet; Mark Emery, trumpet; Andrew Sorg, trumpet; Shelagh Abate, horn; John Faieta, trombone; Takatsugu Hagiwara, tuba; David Neiweem, organ play
Nearer, My God, to Thee Lowell Mason Baldwin's Cadet Band of Boston play
Nearer, My God, to Thee Lowell Mason Mozart Quartette play
Nearer, My God, to Thee Lowell Mason play
Nearer, My God, to Thee Lowell Mason Ira D. Sankey play
Nearer, My God, to Thee Lowell Mason (not credited) play
Thanksgiving Greetings and Nearer, My God / Psalm 103 Lowell Mason C. W. Crary et al. play
Watchman (Watchman, Tell Us of the Night) Lowell Mason William Appling Singers; William Appling, Conductor play
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