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Bert Williams: His Final Releases, 1919-1922
Henry Creamer
Bert Williams, baritone |
Complete Hit of the Week Recordings, Vol. 1 (1930)
The 3-minute 1000 Series
Al Jolson
Hit of the Week Orchestra; Don Voorhees Orchestra; Fred "Fuzzy" Farrar, trumpet; Bill Trone, tuba; Charlie Butterfield, trombone; Joe Tarto, tuba; (not credited), trumpet; (not credited), clarinet; (not credited), saxophone; (not credited), violin; (not credited), piano; (not credited), banjo; (not credited), voice; Bert Lown and His Hotel Biltmore Music; Ed Farley, trumpet; (not credited), tuba; Al Philburn, trombone; Paul Mason, saxophone; Chauncey Gray, piano; Tommy Felline, guitar; Adrian Rollini, vibraphone; Stan King, drums; Smith Ballew, voice; Vincent Lopez Orchestra; Ben Pollack Orchestra; Rudy Weinstein, trumpet; Charlie Teagarden, trumpet; Jack Teagarden, trombone; Harry Goodman, tuba; Gil Roden, clarinet; Gil Roden, saxophone; Larry Binyon, clarinet; Larry Binyon, saxophone; Matty Matlock, clarinet; Matty Matlock, tenor saxophone; Ed Bergman, violin; Alex Beller, violin; Vic Briedis, piano; Dick Morgan, banjo; Dick Morgan, guitar; Adrian Rollini, bass saxophone; Ray Bauduc, drums; Ben Pollack, voice; Frank Cush, trumpet; Merrill Kline, tuba; Lou Bode, clarinet; Lou Bode, alto saxophone; Fletcher Hereford, clarinet; Fletcher Hereford, alto saxophone; Paul Mason, clarinet; Paul Mason, tenor saxophone; Mac Ceppos, violin; Frank Munn, voice; Hotel Pennsylvania Music; Scrappy Lambert, voice; Phil Spitalny, Conductor; Statler Pennsylvanians; New York Twelve; Jan Garber's Orchestra; Jan Garber, violin; Jan Garber, Conductor; Harlem Hot Chocolates; Arthur Whetsel, trumpet; Freddy Jenkins, trumpet; Cootie Williams, trumpet; Joe "Tricky Sam" Nanton, trombone; Juan Tizol, trombone; Johnny Hodges, clarinet; Johnny Hodges, saxophone; Barney Bigard, clarinet; Barney Bigard, saxophone; Harry Carney, clarinet; Harry Carney, saxophone; Edward Kennedy "Duke" Ellington, piano; Fred Guy, banjo; Braud Wellman, bass; Sonny Greer, drums; Sonny Greer, vibraphone; Irving Mills, voice; Phil Spitalny's Music; Bill Coty, voice; Bobby Dixon's Broadcasters; Mannie Klein, trumpet; Tommy Dorsey, trombone; Pee Wee Russell, clarinet; Pee Wee Russell, tenor saxophone; (not credited), alto saxophone; (not credited), drums; Bobby Dixon, voice; Happy-Rose Orchestra; Irving Kaufman, voice; Bert Hirsch, Conductor; Dick Robertson, voice; Lew Conrad, voice; Elmer Feldkamp, clarinet; Elmer Feldkamp, alto saxophone; Larry Tice, clarinet; Larry Tice, alto saxophone; Frank Luther, voice; Bill Trone, trombone; Dick McDonough, banjo; Hotel Pennsylvania Orchestra |
The Complete Hit of the Week Recordings, Vol. 2 (1930 - 1931)
S. Lesser
Hit of the Week Orchestra; Dick Robertson, voice; Carson Robison, voice; Carson Robison, steel guitar; Ted Fio-Rito's Orchestra; Frank Luther, voice; Ted Fio Rito, Conductor; Lew White, organ; Dick Robertson's Collegians; Sam Lanin's Dance Ensemble; Mannie Klein, trumpet; (not credited), trumpet; Tommy Dorsey, trombone; (not credited), tuba; (not credited), clarinet; (not credited), saxophone; Larry Binyon, clarinet; Larry Binyon, saxophone; (not credited), violin; Arthur Schutt, piano; Tony Colucci, banjo; Tony Colucci, guitar; (not credited), drums; Sam Lanin, Conductor; Benrus Radio Orchestra; Vincent Lopez Orchestra; Jack Parker (pseudonym of Smith Ballew) , voice; New York Twelve; Harry Reser, banjo; Harry Reser, guitar; Harry Reser, Conductor; Reser's Radio Band; Paul Small, voice; Lew Conrad, voice; Scrappy Lambert, voice; Bunny Berigan, trumpet; Eddie Lang, guitar; Harry Reser's Radio Band; Dick Robertson's Orchestra; (not credited), trombone; (not credited), guitar; (not credited), flute; Smith Ballew, voice; Don Voorhees Orchestra; Fred "Fuzzy" Farrar, trumpet; Bill Trone, tuba; Charlie Butterfield, trombone; (not credited), piano; (not credited), banjo; Cal Carson [pseudonym of Frank Luther], voice; Gid Carson [pseudonym of Carson Robison], voice; Eva Taylor, voice; Leola Felton, voice |
Ed. Morton's "Bit of Broadway"
(The Sound of Vaudeville, Vol. 2)
Harry Williams
Eddie Morton, baritone; Peerless Quartet; Albert Campbell, tenor; Henry Burr, tenor; Arthur Collins, baritone; John Meyer, bass; Emerson Symphony Orchestra |
The Great War
An American Musical Fantasy
Stoddard King
John McCormack, tenor; American Quartet; Billy Murray, tenor; Robert Armour, tenor; Steve Porter, baritone; William F. Hooley, bass; Peerless Quartet; Albert Campbell, tenor; Henry Burr, tenor; Arthur Collins, baritone; John Meyer, bass; Cal Stewart; Morton Harvey, tenor; Manhattan Quartet; Arion Singing Society of Brooklyn; Eugen Klee, Conductor; Irving Kaufman, tenor; Sam Ash, tenor; Arthur Fields, baritone; John Meyer, baritone; Byron G. Harlan, tenor; Arthur Collins, baritone; Joe Schenck, tenor; Gus Van, baritone; Nora Bayes, soprano; Prince's Band; Columbia Male Quartette; Raymond Dixon, tenor; Orpheus Quartet; Vernon Dalhart, tenor; Reinald Werrenrath, baritone; Charles Hart, tenor; Elizabeth Spencer, soprano; Enrico Caruso, tenor; Edna Brown [pseudonym of Elsie Baker], contralto; Robert Lewis [pseudonym of Lewis James], tenor; Shannon Four; Farber Sisters; Al Jolson; Noble Sissle; Lieutenant Jim Europe's 369th Infantry "Hell Fighters" Band; Gitz Rice; George Gordon, tenor; Robert Bruce, tenor; Arthur Pryor's Band; Avon Comedy Four; Dixie Stars; Al Bernard; J. Russel Robinson |
Guido Deiro: Complete Recorded Works, Vol. 2
Ernesto Becucci
Guido Deiro, accordion; Pietro Deiro, accordion |
Irving Kaufman Anthology
The Last Recording Pioneer
Grant Clarke
Irving Kaufman, tenor; Billy Murray, tenor; Columbia Quartette; Albert Campbell, tenor; Henry Burr, tenor; Arthur Collins, baritone; John Meyer, bass; The Three Kaufields; Jack Kaufman, tenor; Arthur Fields, baritone; Eubie Blake, piano; Bailey's Lucky Seven; Harris, Frank [pseudonym of Irving Kaufman], tenor; The Dandies; Belle Brooks, piano |
The Phonographic Yearbook: 1913
"Come and See the Big Parade"
George Graff, Jr.
Alan Turner, baritone; Ada Jones, soprano; Arthur Collins, baritone; Byron G. Harlan, tenor; Henry Burr, tenor; Edgar Stoddard, baritone; American Quartet; Billy Murray, tenor; John Bieling, tenor; Steve Porter, baritone; William F. Hooley, bass; Al Jolson, tenor; Elsie Janis; Helen Clark, soprano; Walter Van Brunt, tenor; Chauncey Olcott, tenor; Prince's Band; Bert Williams, baritone; Albert Campbell, tenor; Peerless Quartet; John Meyer, bass; Charles W. Harrison, tenor; Marguerite Dunlap, contralto; Harry MacDonough, tenor |
The Phonographic Yearbook: 1915
"They'd Sooner Sleep on Thistles"
Gene Buck
Alice Green [pseudonym of Olive Kline], soprano; Edward Hamilton [pseudonym of Reinald Werrenrath], baritone; Alma Gluck, soprano; Morton Harvey, tenor; Peerless Quartet; Albert Campbell, tenor; Henry Burr, tenor; Arthur Collins, baritone; John Meyer, bass; Harry MacDonough, tenor; James Reed [pseudonym of Reed Miller], tenor; James F. Harrison [pseudonym of Frederick Wheeler], baritone; George MacFarlane, baritone; American Quartet; Billy Murray, tenor; Robert Armour, tenor; Steve Porter, baritone; William F. Hooley, bass; John McCormack, tenor; Al Jolson, tenor; Raymond Dixon, tenor; Alice Nielsen, soprano; Irving Kaufman, tenor; Prince's Band; Lyric Quartet; Olive Kline, soprano; Elsie Baker, contralto; Reinald Werrenrath, baritone; Arthur Collins, baritone; Byron G. Harlan, tenor |
The Phonographic Yearbook: 1917
"Yankees to the Ranks"
L. Wolfe Gilbert
Rene Dietrich, soprano; Rene Dietrich, ukulele; Horace Wright, tenor; Horace Wright, ukulele; Helen Louise, guitar; Frank Ferera, guitar; Joe Schenck, tenor; Gus Van, baritone; American Quartet; Billy Murray, tenor; Albert Campbell, tenor; John Meyer, baritone; William F. Hooley, bass; James F. Harrison [pseudonym of Frederick Wheeler], baritone; Knickerbocker Male Quartette; George Eldred, tenor; Robert Lewis [pseudonym of Lewis James], tenor; William Morgan, baritone; Glenn Howard, bass; Edna Brown [pseudonym of Elsie Baker], contralto; Henry Burr, tenor; Arthur Collins, baritone; Byron G. Harlan, tenor; Ada Jones, soprano; Emerson Symphony Orchestra; Victor Military Band; Marion Harris; Anna Wheaton, soprano; James Harrod, tenor; Peerless Quartet; Arthur Collins, baritone; John Meyer, bass; John McCormack, tenor; Harry MacDonough, tenor; Lambert Murphy, tenor; Reinald Werrenrath, baritone; Shannon Four; Charles Hart, tenor; Harvey Hindermyer, tenor; Elliott Shaw, baritone; Wilfred Glenn, bass; Sterling Trio; Francis J. Lapitino, harp; Original Dixieland Jazz Band; Nick LaRocca, cornet; Eddie Edwards, trombone; Larry Shields, clarinet; Henry Ragas, piano; Tony Sbarbaro, drums; Arthur Fields, baritone; Nora Bayes, soprano |