Track Results

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title composer artists/ensemble play
Beulah Land Traditional John Davis, vocal lead; Bessie Jones, voice; Henry Morrison, voice; Alberta Ramsey, voice; Emma Ramsey, voice; Nat Rahmings, drums; Hobart Smith, guitar; Hobart Smith, banjo; Ed Young, fife; Jerome Davis, voice play
Beulah Land Traditional John Davis, voice; Bessie Jones, voice; Henry Morrison, voice; Alberta Ramsey, voice; Emma Lee Ramsey, voice; Hobart Smith, voice; Hobart Smith, banjo; Ed Young, fife; Nat Rahmings, drum play
Jim and Me Garner Brothers; Preston Smith, voice; Hobart Smith, voice; Texas Gladden, voice; Hobart Smith, guitar; Preston Smith, guitar play
Reg'lar, reg'lar, rollin' under Traditional John Davis, voice; Bessie Jones, vocal lead; Henry Morrison, voice; Alberta Ramsey, voice; Emma Ramsey, voice; Nat Rahmings, drums; Hobart Smith, guitar; Hobart Smith, banjo; Ed Young, fife play
See Aunt Dinah Traditional John Davis, voice; Bessie Jones, vocal lead; Henry Morrison, voice; Alberta Ramsey, voice; Emma Ramsey, voice; Nat Rahmings, drums; Hobart Smith, guitar; Hobart Smith, banjo; Ed Young, fife play
See That My Grave Is Kept Clean Blind Lemon Jefferson Hobart Smith, voice; Hobart Smith, guitar play
That Suits Me Traditional John Davis, voice; Bessie Jones, voice; Henry Morrison, voice; Alberta Ramsey, voice; Emma Lee Ramsey, voice; Hobart Smith, voice; Hobart Smith, banjo; Ed Young, fife; Nat Rahmings, drum play
Titanic Traditional John Davis, voice; Bessie Jones, vocal lead; Henry Morrison, voice; Alberta Ramsey, voice; Emma Ramsey, voice; Nat Rahmings, drums; Hobart Smith, guitar; Hobart Smith, banjo; Ed Young, fife play
The When The Stars Began to Fall Traditional Hobart Smith, voice; Preston Smith, voice; Texas Gladden, voice play
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