Track Results
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Ingram Marshall
Snee McCaig, recorded voice |
Ingram Marshall
Snee McCaig, voice |
The Emperor's Birthday
Ingram Marshall
Fragility Cycles ("Gambuh")
Ingram Marshall
Ingram Marshall, gambuh; Ingram Marshall, synthesizer; Ingram Marshall, electronics |
Gradual Siciliano (for Gus)
Ingram Marshall
Ingram Marshall, piano; Ingram Marshall, electronics; Fausto, mandolin |
Ingram Marshall
Ingram Marshall comments…
Ingram Marshall, speaker |
Rob pêa fjellet = Cries upon The mountains
Gunnar Ekelof, Lyricist
Jan Hafstrom, voice |
Sibelius in His Radio Corner
Ingram Marshall
Son of Soe-pa
Ingram Marshall
Clement Marshall, classical guitar; Ingram Marshall, electronics |
Ingram Marshall
Weather Report
Ingram Marshall
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